Hugo Image Optimization: Fancybox, Webp and Watermarks

Recently switching my blog from Hexo to Hugo, I discovered Hugo's powerful customization capabilities, including image customization. After some fiddling around, I successfully converted the original images to Webp format, added fancybox gallery and blog watermark.

2024-04-08    1667 words    4 min

Thinkings about the hugging face document

Briefly record the conclusions and methods that appear in the official documentation of hugging face. By the way, record some personal thinking and confusion, so that it is convenient to go back and solve the problem later. Welcome to comment.

2024-03-11    2024-03-14    1100 words    6 min

Non-Root Installation of CUDA NLP by Conda

How a non-root user can install a newer version of the transformers suite without being able to change the version of the installed cuda driver.

2024-03-10    684 words    4 min

Switch Xcode to Compile Unadapted Theos Plugins

After recently replacing my device with a new one, I was about to recompile an iOS jailbreak plugin called PassBy, and found that it frequently reported errors. After a bit of troubleshooting and searching, I determined that switching Xcode to an older version was the easiest solution, so I documented it.

2023-04-24    1015 words    5 min

Brew installing R-Kernel Notebook

I introduced in another article in the Linux remote server using conda configuration r-kernel jupyter notebook, but I found that conda for a variety of dependency conflicts are not handled well, often leading to unsuccessful installation. In macOS system locally using brew for installation is much easier and faster. Here I summarized steps for reference.

2023-01-16    2024-03-15    517 words    3 min

Unix terminal installation configuration Oh My Zsh

macOS has now replaced the default shell with zsh, which is a perfect match for the Oh My Zsh project to achieve an unimaginable terminal experience. With its colorful themes, powerful plug-ins, and active community, the "Black Windows" is no longer the cold terminal interface it used to be, but a unique my zsh of your own!

2022-12-07    608 words    2 min