Hugo Image Optimization: Fancybox, Webp and Watermarks

Recently switching my blog from Hexo to Hugo, I discovered Hugo's powerful customization capabilities, including image customization. After some fiddling around, I successfully converted the original images to Webp format, added fancybox gallery and blog watermark.

2024-04-08    1667 words    4 min

Cactus Use Fancybox Image Enlargement

Install fancybox to hexo theme cactus some experience for your reference. fancybox can solve the problem of cactus theme images can not be enlarged, thanks to fancyapps to make a contribution.

2022-02-20    489 words    3 min

Cactus's Codeblock Style Beautification Tour

I do not like cactus's original codeblock style very much. Because I used to use wordpress theme, which has the style of imitation mac. But cactus does not have the style settings for the code block, so I decided to do it myself and revamp the theme!

2021-12-27    287 words    2 min