Non-Root Installation of CUDA NLP by Conda
How a non-root user can install a newer version of the transformers suite without being able to change the version of the installed cuda driver.
How a non-root user can install a newer version of the transformers suite without being able to change the version of the installed cuda driver.
Due to the author's frequent use of conda to configure the R kernel jupyter notebook on Linux remote servers, some steps are forgotten over time (the main problem is that the same pit will be stepped on differently every time). After summarizing the relevant tutorials and personal experience on the internet, a guide is provided for everyone and future me to refer to.
In contact with the Qinglong panel deployment sign in after consulting a lot of information, found to be a simple introduction to the East and West, so the idea of writing this article was born. The tutorial is detailed and lists all the pits that you have stepped in, if there are any omissions, welcome to add!